Lorraine Avery, RN, PhD, CNCC(C)

Winnipeg, MB

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cardiac Sciences
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Winnipeg, MB

CWHHA members since 2018


Dr. Avery is a Clinical Nurse Specialist with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Cardiac Sciences Program. As an advanced practice nurse, Lorraine is responsible for promoting excellence in practice. With a health equity lens, Dr. Avery provides regional support to cardiac patients and nurses through consultation, collaboration, system support as well as through the development of best practice tools and policy that supports cardiac care. 

Dr. Avery received her Masters of Nursing degree and a PhD in Community Health Sciences from the University of Manitoba. She is actively involved in professional development and supports the Clinical Nurse Specialist role through participating in a variety of activities and committees. She represented Manitoba in the development of the Pan-Canadian Core Competencies for the Clinical Nurse Specialist (Canadian Nurses Association). Dr. Avery is involved in a variety of research activities and currently is the co-chair of the Manitoba Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Network, a network dedicated to improving outcomes of patients with ACS.