Lauren Drogos, PhD

Calgary, AB | @LDrogosPhD

Women's Cardiovascular Health Program Coordinator
Libin Cardiovascular Institute, University of Calgary
Calgary, AB | @LDrogosPhD  

CWHHA member since, 2021 


Lauren Drogos is the Program Coordinator for the CV & Me Women’s Cardiovascular Health Initiative at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. She received a B.S in Psychology from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology – Division of Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Illinois Chicago. Her research has been focused on the effects of steroid hormones on cognition, mood, and cardiovascular risk factors with an emphasis on women’s mental health across the lifespan.