Jan Coburn

Lac Baker, NB

Person with Lived Experience
Lac Baker, NB

CWHHA member since 2021 

My Heart Story

August 5th 2019, a day I will never forget. I was visiting my son helping him pack for an upcoming move. I woke up around 5:00 am with pain in my jaw, the middle of my chest, and my collar bone. I was also nauseous and exhausted (no tingling in my left arm and no shortness of breath). I remember thinking I really must have overdone it. I was a healthy weight (had recently lost 20 lbs), was jogging regularly 5-10k at least 3-4 times a week, eating a healthy diet, and had very well controlled blood pressure and cholesterol. I thought there was nothing to worry about and just needed a bit of rest.  

Around 7:00 am, I walked up the stairs to my son’s room to let him know I would be staying another day because I did not feel up to driving the five hours home. Thankfully, he is a paramedic and knew exactly what was happening. Knowing me well, he mentioned nothing of a heart attack and said he would feel better if I got checked out because he remembered me telling him my jog a couple days before was tougher than usual and that I had blamed the heat and humidity for the heaviness I felt in my chest. He knew that I would argue with him if he mentioned calling 911 so he smartly drove me himself to the hospital and I was immediately taken to the trauma room. Troponin tests confirmed the HA and an angiogram a couple days later confirmed the SCAD. Like most of the population, I had no knowledge of SCAD.

I am now doing very well and cardiac rehab was a saving grace for me. It helped to regain some confidence in my body and mind. I am still jogging, although at a slower pace and not as far. My goal now is to run the race, not win it. And that goes for all aspects of my life!