Isabelle Malhame, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Montreal , QC | @IsabelleMalhame

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine, McGill University Health Centre.
Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation,
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Montreal, QC | @IsabelleMalhame

CWHHA member since 2023


Dr. Malhamé is a Clinician Scientist and an Assistant Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the McGill University Health Centre, where she specializes in Obstetric Medicine. Her research program, supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, focuses on reducing severe maternal morbidity, with a special interest for cardiovascular and thromboembolic complications. In 2022, she received an Early Career Investigator Award from the Gairdner Foundation and the Canada Gairdner Awards in recognition of her work on improving maternal health.