Helena Van Ryn, BScPT 

Ottawa, ON | @helena901241854

 Physiotherapist, University of Ottawa Heart Institute
ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist
Ottawa, ON | @helena901241854

CWHHA Member since 2018


Helena has 28 years of experience working as a physiotherapist at the Heart Institute. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Science (Physiotherapy) from Queen’s University. A Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine since 2004. Her diverse interests include; motivation and education, yoga, meditation and mindfulness training as a means to affect life-changing behaviours. She takes pride in helping people shape behaviour and establish the habit of regular physical activity and healthy eating. She is aware of the challenge of balancing work and home life. “Leny” has been an instructor for the Heartwise exercise program since its inception (2005). She has conducted five research studies, many were presented at the Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Annual Conferences. Currently sitting on Clinician Council of Physiotherapists, for The Ottawa Hospital. Her interests include Virtual Care, Women’s Heart Health, dissections, POTS and SCAD patients.