Helen Robert, B.Comm, CCP 

Ottawa, ON | @HelenLRobert

Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Advocacy Working Group
Woman with Lived Experience
Ottawa, ON | @HelenLRobert

CWHHA member since September 2018


Helen Robert is an entrepreneur and consultant living in Ottawa, Ontario. Helen’s background includes specialized expertise in compensation, small business management and Talent program development. She volunteers as a facilitator for the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s Women@Heart Program. Helen is also the patient advocate co-chair of the Advocacy Working Group with the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance. 

Helen is a heart attack survivor, diagnosed with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD), which brings her directly in touch with chronic disease and recovery. Sharing her experience and learning from others on similar journeys has really solidified for her the power of strong peer connections and quality support in achieving better outcomes for patients and caregivers.